SGNM/SSMN-Webinar: Update on malignant mesothelioma (within SCR'21)



Moderators: Prof. John Prior, Lausanne/CH; PD Dr. Benjamin Halpern, Münsterlingen/CH

Update on malignant mesothelioma: Pathogenesis and diagnostic evaluation

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Lucian R. Chirieac, Harvard/US
Learning objectives:
– To present recently described genomic and pathogenetic alterations in mesothelioma
– To describe current immunohistochemical antibodies with diagnostic importance in mesothelioma

Diagnostic evaluation and staging – Significant imaging concepts

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Ritu R. Gill, Harvard/US
Learning objectives:
– To review the role of multimodality imaging in evaluation of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
– To illustrate how quantitative imaging techniques play a role in staging and management of Mesothelioma

New European treatment guidelines for MPM

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz, Zurich/CH
Learning objectives:
– To learn the recommendations from recent European Guidelines about MPM treatment
– To learn the recommendations from recent European Guidelines about Diagnosis of MpM